don't push it

browsers are fragile.

Stress-testing browsers beyond serving them the normal, free-standing, test cases, reveals quite a spread in per­form­ance across brow­ser-land. Can be quite frustrating.

Browsers that buckle under stress can be a real drag. For instance when 1) nearing the deadline for a commercial project, and when 2) testing out new ideas in my own sandbox. 1) Have to either avoid pro­blem­atic fea­tures, or resort to polyfill. 2) Preferred alter­na­tive is to imple­ment what­ever fea­tures I want, and ignore failing brow­sers. This very site is my “sand­box”, so guess what…

case at hand

On screens wide enough for two-column layout, a number of ani­ma­tions acting on generated content elements are designed in to make the clouds in the page-header appear to vary in lightness over time in several places.

All ani­ma­tions are set to run slow, and are rather subtle in ap­pear­ance. They are designed in as site-wide test-objects, and are not meant to catch much attention.

My test base is Vivaldi, and in most browsers running on Blink all ani­ma­tions show up and run as expected. Browsers on other engines either don't support relevant code, or show varying degree of failure.

ActualCSS for one of the ani­ma­tions is as follows…

@keyframes fltr1 {
0% {filter: sepia(0) contrast(100%) drop-shadow(40px 40px 15px rgba(255,255,255,1));}
40% {filter: sepia(50%) contrast(50%) drop-shadow(-100px -50px 30px rgba(0,0,0,1));}
70% {filter: sepia(30%) contrast(130%) drop-shadow(-70px -70px 20px rgba(255,255,255,1));}
100% {filter: sepia(0) contrast(100%) drop-shadow(40px 40px 15px rgba(255,255,255,1));}

main aside::before {content: url(../imagedepot/op-peregrine-1.png);
width: 50px; padding: 45px 0 0 0; height: 5px; line-height: 0;
box-shadow: -2px -2px 5px #fff inset; 
background: rgba(220, 220, 220, 0.15); position: absolute; z-index: 1;
top: -70px; left: -20%; margin-top: -10%; margin-top: calc(-35px - 2%);
border-radius: 50px; line-height: 0; display: block;
width: 3rem; padding: 2.8rem 0 0 0; height: .2rem; border-radius: 50%;
box-shadow: -.15rem -.15rem .3rem #fff inset; top: -4.25rem;
animation: fltr1 28s ease-in-out forwards infinite;}

Notice “double-coding” in CSS above – crutches for older browsers are left in place.

Two stages of that animation rendered in Vivaldi, show up like this…

illustration: darker, low contrast illustration: lighter, high contrast

The above is one of six such filter() ani­ma­tions set up by four keyframes. In addition, six transform ani­ma­tions driven by three keyframes create slight move­ments in that area and else­where on the page.

success or failure…

Running Win10 on a faster (game) computer, some key browsers are tested. Main suspects follow…

  • Chrome and Opera show full support – handle all filter() and transform ani­ma­tions fine.
    Low on CPU use – smooth rendering.
  • IE11 doesn't support filter(). It handles all transform ani­ma­tions OK.
    High on CPU use – various instability problems.
  • Edge supports filter(), but fails to run any of those ani­ma­tions. It handles all transform ani­ma­tions OK.
    High on CPU use – various instability problems.
  • Firefox and Pale Moon support filter(), but fail to run all ani­ma­tion – two filter() ani­ma­tions are observed running, but not smooth. They handle all transform ani­ma­tions OK.
    High on CPU use – various instability problems.
  • Firefox Quantum 57.0 runs smoother than earlier versions, but fails on same filter() ani­ma­tions. Handles all transform ani­ma­tions OK.
    Moderate CPU use in “safe mode”.

For the sake of testing, all troublesome @keyframes are active in site­wide design.

bad browsers be damned

That headline is not to be taken quite literally, but I have observed quite a few cases where browsers that can handle simplified test cases fine, fail when served more complex cases where the exact same rendering is called for. In my book that is total failure.
Few web sites are built on one or a small number of simpli­fied test cases, so that kind of “valida­tion” is worth next to nothing.

testing, testing…

On one hand it is unreal­is­tic to check @support for every variant and com­bi­na­tion of standard code. On the other hand we cannot entirely trust browsers' response on @support if they literally buckle under stress.

We know that not all browsers support @support – see: IE11. We also know that there are browsers that don't respond truth­fully to all @support requests. As a con­se­quence we are left with testing, testing and more testing, just like we did a decade or two ago.
What else has not changed over the years?

same methodology…

The old CSS sledge­hammer approach has not fallen out of favor around here (have even updated the hammer-picture), and the tool­set has of course been extended and refined with improved standards and support over the years.
Browsers are served as complete and detailed code as found neces­sary, leaving nothing to chance or defaults. Browsers that fail are (usually) saved from revealing their worst flaws, and get to expose the ones I find less trouble­some.

our playground…

The average visitor has no idea, and rarely ever any interest in knowing, what a site is supposed to look like, and won't test and compare designs across browser-land. Means we can play with design-details to our hearts' delight in our own sandboxes, without causing problems for visitors.

As an example on wide screens, I have “marked” the sledgehammer images with a background image in browsers that don't support shapes. Not a serious problem design-wise, just slightly irritating to have all that empty space there.

case closed … for now

The advantage of leaving browser weak­nesses, flaws and fail­ures exposed on my private site, is that I sure ain't gonna forget they exist. May find time, and muster interest, to study them later.

In the mean time anyone in the trade with interest in such matters, can see how different browsers handle the same code, and notice if, and when, any progress, or regress, is made.

sincerely  georg; sign

Hageland 30.oct.2017
last rev: 16.nov.2017

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