another close encounter

but not quite done yet…

While still very much feeling the effects from the last time out, I had another emergency trip to the hospital on October 4th this year.

This time I was in desperate need of repair, as my intestines had become pinched off and blocked – known as “strangulated” – by an abdominal hernia. Most defi­ni­tely not a good situa­tion to be in.

An unfortunate delay in getting to my GP for initial diagnosis, meant I was in constant pain, throwing up, and feeling really awful at home for three-four days, before being properly diagnosed and sent to the hospital for surgery.

fixing my abdominal hernia fig: 'abdominal hernia'

According to the surgeon in charge, the repair included closing up, or covering up, three very large openings or weak­nes­ses – one of which had my intestines in a pinch – pluss “half-a-dozen” smaller weak­nesses. All resulting from surgeries at that very same hospital a decade earlier – i.e. “incisional hernias”.

Intestines got thoroughly checked they told me, but other­wise nothing was done to them. Although my intes­tines were damaged, they were deemed to have survived in acceptable condi­tion, and I probably would not have survived the surgery needed to do a complete repair of them at this time, they said.
A hernia­mesh was inserted to cover all those holes and weak­nesses that have or may develop into some­thing worse. May also need a tailored hernia belt to reduce the risk for rupture to the mesh.

They even gave me botox injec­tions in the abdominal region, to make the right muscle groups relax after surgery. Not an expected part of the treat­ment, but it should reduce pain and help on healing, they said.

Took quite a few days before I could take in some­thing that resembles “solid food”. The perma­nent damage to my intes­tines, means I will have to observe some “dietary res­tric­tions” from now on, as not all types of food will pass through with­out causing me con­sti­pa­tion and/​or consider­able pain.
The surgeon gave me a short-list of food-items to avoid, and what signs (of pain or other­wise) I should be aware of while testing out what I can and can­not eat. What my intes­tines can handle may improve some­what over time, I was told.

back to normalcy‥?

A sign of how serious this condi­tion had been in my case, is that my body suddenly went into a kind of “shut-down mode” several days after the surgery, while still at the hospital.
That is: I was completely over­come by a physical and mental exhaus­tion that I could not shake off no matter what. I have never in my 70 years long life felt so totally empty and depressed as I all of a sudden felt then and still am now.

The surgeon later explained to me during a check-up, that this sensa­tion was a pretty normal reaction to the trauma I had been through. My body had been that close to shutting down for good, and was liter­ally “preparing itself (with the rest of me) for death”. This “near death” sensa­tion would go over after a couple of months according to him, but it feels just as exhausting now more than two months later, as I write this. Am waiting for “the fog”, and general weak­ness, to be behind me.

not much to write about

I do not feel much for writing any­thing about any­thing at the moment, but have scribbled down my experi­ence anyway just to have it done while most details are fresh in memory.
May add some more at a later date, when I feel a little more up to it, but for now this short posting will have to do.

sincerely  georg; sign

Hageland 20.dec.2023
last rev: 22.dec.2023

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