same tiny herd

… waiting to be served.

It is feeding time, and the farmer is late again. Nothing new there, but the ladies do get two full meals a'day and are chewing cud around the clock, and are not really com­plain­ing about the service.

We actually have to keep an eye on them to make sure none of them get fat, while also making sure all get their fair share of the balanced mix of silage, hay and con­cen­trate we feed them with.

all good now, thank you very much

As the pictures show; no green grass to munch on this time of year, but luckily we have plenty of good silage and hay from last summer in store.
Farming is all about planning ahead for any even­tua­li­ties, and at least in the animal-feed depart­ment all looks good for present year.

After having waited patiently for quite a while – at least half an hour, the ladies do not have to be asked twice to line up in (some­what) good order and dig in. Does not take them long to empty the feed station before talking a stroll around the pastures to check the growth and fill up on water from the creek.
They will be back in time for the next meal in about 12 hours time, or when they hear the Gator come rolling down from the barn.

weighing the alternatives

While the snow has barely disap­peared from the pastures here in Norway, spring has truly sprung around our over­seas retreat. For now the travel res­tric­tions intro­duced as a con­se­quence of the Covid-19 pandemic make the choice of where to be easy.
However, we are looking forward to real signs of spring here in Norway too, and then we will stay home with our four-legged friends no matter what.

Again – business as usual on the farm.

sincerely  georg; sign

Hageland 16.mar.2021
last rev: 18.mar.2021

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