autumn at the farm
… preparing for winter.
We bale some grass, and buy what more hay/silage we think we're gonna need to feed the animals well over the winter, with a buffer to handle whatever next spring may bring. We got plenty hay in store, so our “homemade” bales are left out in the fields for now.
Not much grass for the animals out on the pastures this time of year, but three meals a day consisting of
silage/hay and concentrate keep them in good shape – not skinny and not too fat.
Extra minerals in the form of salt-blocks with trace elements, are fixed inside the feed station and available all the time.
The water post is near by the feed station, and a creek running through the far end of the pastures acts as safe backup when the water
pipes freeze during winter. Relying on natural features like that creek, cost a lot less than frostfree pipes and other
“modern solutions”, and they just work when all advanced technology fails.
daily routines
Following the same routines day in and day out may not sound like much to the uninitiated, but I can assure that
it is quite rewarding. Much preferred over 9-5 scedules.
1) they provide us with necessary exercise for body and soul. Many pay quite a lot for hours at
noisy and sweaty training centers for less useful training than we get daily.
2) they bring moments of order and sanity in a world seemingly dominated by disorder and utter stupidity. Much needed these days.
3) they are flexible. Plus or minus an hour (or even three) makes no real difference for the animals
we care for, as long as they get enough food often enough.
Only motorized devices for handling feed are shown in the pictures. In reality the hayfork, buckets, and other tools are used a lot more than the crane and Gator.
quiet days…
Gray and quiet autumn day at the farm, like yesterday and the day before. The cows are slowly leaving the feed-area after the morning meal, probably going to one of their favorite places to lay down and chew cud, same as yesterday and the day before. A lazy life.
Many will find living like this all too boring. I find it peaceful and inspiring, the perfect place to live for a technocrat in retirement. Pays to be resourceful on a small farm, as there's always something to fix or improve, or leave alone.
Hageland 12.oct.2020
last rev: 12.oct.2020