letting go

of the past.

Stack 'em and rack em, and then dump 'em. That's how most of yesterdays' memories should be handled, to keep them from popping up at every turn and derail our care­ful plan­ning and prepa­ration for the days to come.

Both good and bad memories alike can hamper our progress now. We may want to relive the happiest times in our past … or we may try to change some­thing so the worst that took place back in time somehow didn't turn out so bad. All mere illusions and time-thieves at best, and dangerous traps at worst.

Frequent garbage cleanouts, followed by qualified sorting and debugging of content in our main memory banks, are recom­mended in order to keep our proces­sing units (brains and hearts) working efficiently on solving the tasks at hand.

Why do we keep on refresh­ing and reuseing old and out­dated memo­ries, just so we can avoid going forward… Anyone in for a re-run?

Only those memories that we share with people who matter to us now, may have earned the right to stay with us into the future, and of those only the really good memories may deserve a more permanent stor­rage-space in our primary memory banks.

If down-proritized memories must be kept – for historic reasons or whatever, they should be stashed well away from all that matters today.

We have of course all done things in the past that were supposed to affect us now. The cup of spiced-up coffee I had half an hour ago, is for instance still working wonders throughout my body and mind. That was the plan, and it is defi­nitely working.
I'm planning on having another cup in a little while … just have to brew it first.

historically flawed.

Yes, I know…

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.(source)

The truth in the above quote has been proven again and again in the past, and I'm afraid it will be proven again and again in the future. Good thing “letting go of the past” doesn't pre­vent us from acquiring useful lessons from it.

The best way to predict the future is to invent it.(source)

We can improve on things in our future based on experiences from our own past and those of humanity as a whole, if we so choose. (That most of us avoid making any real choices, is probably the reason so few real improve­ments are found anywhere.)

To study history and human behavior in depth, is inter­esting albeit a mostly quite depres­sing exer­cise. A solid dose of prag­ma­tism makes it a little easier, but not much.

With or without a boat­load of anti­depres­sants onboard – the “solution” to most problems in life today, one has to be in a coma to not see that all that should never be allowed to happen again, is being reintroduced – again and again and in higher and higher doses – usually masked as “progress” and/or “security”. The sight could make a rock cry…

processing the present.

Yes, I do have a past – in case you wondered. I don't live there anymore though, and have minimal interest in revisiting. My present life is much more intriguing – so much that can be messed up for no good reason.

What I may have learned from past experiences and can put to good use, is what matters to me now. All else can just stay where it belongs, in the past.

Sometimes I meet people from my past, and we may share memories. Going down memory lane now and then is kind of OK, but such remi­niscing-exercises often feel like a complete waste of good time no matter what comes into view around every bend along the old roads. Makes me wish I could pretend to suffer from Alzheimers…
Why can't we just say something like: “it was all good while it lasted”, and leave it at that? That's all I will end up with when they prepare to dig me under anyway, so why not now?

For now I will just continue to observe all that goes on in the world, support what I believe in, do my best to limit local damage caused by outside factors, and go on with life in accor­dance with my own preferences. Sounds like a plan … (sip)

sincerely  georg; sign

Hageland 05.aug.2016
last rev: 06.aug.2016

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