reality of modern life
… is totally illusory.
Nothing much is what it seems today, and from the look of it there most likely never was, and never will be, much of anything real in our modern world.
Reality shows are popular in many circles, which isn't all that surprising. Such shows are about as close to reality most modern humans are comfortable with.
Modern life is in itself a whole series of reality shows, and those who are uncomfortable with one show can always find another, equally awful, to live in. Choosing one or another is pretty much obligatory for the modern man, as otherwise he will be totally out of touch with our illusory reality.
the show must go on…
Many hundred religions and other political directions too choose from and blend to taste. Also plenty of not so well preserved and distasteful blends for those in need of something, or someone, to dislike, to blame, and to fight.
No need to have a personal view on, or opinion about, anything in life, as we can buy ready-made and fully processed views and opinions on every street corner. Many are even given away for “free”, although the price-tag is in most cases just kept out of sight till it is too late to decline and turn away.
All media are literally “full of it” day in and day out, so we do not even have to leave our livingrooms to
get our daily doses of utter nonsense from our favorite sources.
They even repeat the same crap week after week, month after month, year after year, in case we missed some. Aren't we
unpleasant reality checks
While the modern man is living in relative comfort, someone somewhere is suffering, and dying, in order to feed
us and support our illusory lives. Poor souls…
Most of their efforts are lost to modern middle-men, in modern post-production, and on oh-so modern
garbage heaps. But, we rather not think about that since it may lead to a feeling of discomfort.
“Out of sight, out of mind”, works wonders for the modern man, and I cannot say I blame him, or myself. After all, we did not come up with these plots, some much more greedy and cynical humans were, and still are, in control of that.
Modern life is illusory indeed, and even if we wanted to there is only so much we can do to improve things. A pity so few of us seem to know, or care, about the reality behind these shows we are living in though, as wide-spread awareness would make a real difference.
free as a bird
I am literally free as a bird in how I look at the world, being it the illusory or the real one. Amazing what can be seen from a higher vantage point, not all of it pleasant.
The modern world doesn't have much to offer but some more or less gilded cages and plenty suffering, but as long as I'm living in it I'm gonna do what serves me best, and continue to speak up against what I regard as wrong. Won't run out of subjects anytime soon.
Makes no difference to me if anybody listens. It is their choice to make, not mine. The day this freethinker can no longer shape his own thoughts and speak his mind as and when he sees fit, he is most likely dead. It's as simple as that.
Don't forget to have fun…
Hageland 05.dec.2017
last rev: 05.dec.2017