… dissolve illusions.
The short headlines above can be translated into something like: “do not believe anything you see or are being told by anyone, unless, and until, it is being solidly confirmed by your very own observations”.
As most issues we are presented with via news channels and other more-or-less authoritatively controlled fora, are distorted into being less and less about analyzing, evaluating and informing in accordance with facts, and more and more about trusting those few who are allowed to spread their opinions to us, those public presentations and discussions we are offered end up being one stupid farce after another. And, unless we are experts on or very familiar with the actual facts ourself, we may not even notice the ongoing distortion processes.
risk of losing touch with reality
Once we have allowed everything in life to be reduced to us either being for or against whatever it is that gets presents to us as “reality”, and the people behind those claims, our ability to individually observe, verify, update and expand our knowledge accordingly, has become severely impaired if not lost altogether.
Do not let that happen, as nothing can be further from the truth than claims about “facts set in stone” and other “consensus” utterings. There are very few everlasting facts in life – and even those few are questionable, regardless of how many who line up in support of claims to that effect.
fact checkers' roundabouts…
Officially credited “fact checkers” are hardly ever to be trusted, not even when they do not outright lie to us. Wait a day or two, or maybe give them a week, and nearly all those carefully formulated claims will be proven inaccurate or plain wrong by someone in the know. Most likely by individuals and groups that are far removed from same “fact checkers”, and who do not rely on official acceptance and support.
the show must go on
After a few more moon-cycles, not many “fact checker”-claims will hold water, but by then hardly
any of those who bothered to listen to them in the first place will remember what was actually said earlier.
At that point in time new variants of whatever sets of conclusions they are instructed to come up with – all too
often in total disregard of relevant data, can be spread via all available outlets with minimal risks for backfires
from the general public they are aimed at. And 'round and 'round it goes, establishing the
ultimate illusion of “professional fact checking” for those who prefer to believe such a thing
censoring facts…
When all else fails, plain and ugly old censorship methodology comes handy. Can't have those pesky facts out in the open for everyone to see and evaluate – at least not in what those in charge choose to call “democratic societies” for whatever reason, as some out here may actually think facts matter, and others may complain that their most carefully crafted and highly regarded lies lose out in the presence of actual facts.
Easier to point at excessive censorship and control in “known” non-democratic states and societies,
than to simply admit that all the same types of laws, procedures and mechanisms for regulating censorship
and administering control over information are in place, and are used by, in, and across, all states,
entities and communication systems in the world.
All pure conspiracy theories put forward by people like me of course, until there's a glitch…
keeping secrets makes people feel important
There are so many ways to censor whatever those in charge want to keep hidden from public eyes, ears, and minds, that they could
put most of mankinds history under lock and key if they wanted to. History has been rewritten many times before.
How much that actually is kept hidden from us at any given time, is anybody's guess and not worth
quantifying. It is nevertheless too much for comfort.
returning to reality…
One day reality is all we are and will ever be – lucky us. But in the mean time we can at least try to live as active and independent minds, and treat others as such. Life is much more real, satisfying, and also more fun, for those of us who somehow manage to avoid the many forms for manipulation and mind control that more often than not tend to follow in the slipstreams of censorships and authoritative streamlining of “facts” … especially those “services to mankind” that get filed in various “for our own good” folders.
I do not feel the need to expand much on the paragraph above, as all who still can read and think for and by
themselves should get the meaning of it as it stands.
The others‥? What about them? Those who choose to distance themselves from reality, and who accept
being mislead by flawed information served by questionable characters, do not seem to want or need any factual
knowledge, help or advices. It is their choice to make.
as a fool on the hill
I always find sorting data and writing about these things a bit complicated, not to say disturbing to my human senses,
as there is too much ice cold monetary-oriented logic, no common sense, and very little if any humaneness in there. Almost as if AI has taken over the entire game, which to some degree is true of course.
However, as computers are not inherently evil beyond what they have been built and programmed to
“aspire” (the “Intelligence” part) for, one has to conclude that
humans are directly responsible for all these degrading “services”.
Wonder how many million “fact checking”, “censoring”, and “propaganda” bots
that are hard at work today…
… and more so; who released them…
Not easy being a humble technocrat these days…
Hageland 21.aug.2021
last rev: 21.aug.2021