local elections in september
but what are our options?
So, we are allowed to cast our votes in local elections on September 14, and that's nice you know – I like to vote. “What for”, isn't so clear.
Almost everything that matters is decided elsewhere anyway, and what little is left to local politicians to decide hasn't resulted in anything I personally regard as positive, regardless of who have been in charge over the almost 20 years I have lived in the area.
On municipality level we have a few parties(PDF file) to choose between in the upcoming
local election. Many OK people on those party-lists, but no obvious choices when it comes to future politics.
Same lack of obvious choices at county level.
tactical voting
Lack of choices at local levels doesn't keep me from voting – quite the opposite in fact. I am for increased personal and local freedom – politically and otherwise, and refuse to let myself be distracted by minor issues and political mumbo jumbo.
I am against all political parties, businesses and individuals that one way or another work for reducing this freedom, no matter what arguments they present or what they keep quiet about. That settles the “what for” question quite nicely.
Some people argue that all votes not cast for the winning party,
in reality are wasted. That's an interesting argument regardless of who it comes from, that may even be somewhat true under a non-democratic
governmental system like ours.
But, wasting votes on parties that do nothing but damage to what little is left of our freedom and democracy, just because one wants to be on
the winning side, is much worse – borders on being suicidal according to my history-books.
looking ahead
Who wins and who loses in the short run, isn't important to me – especially in local elections. What I stand for is all that matters to me, and I'm in for the long haul.
Unlike most “professional” players on the political arena, I know what “freedom and democracy” stand for. Thus, I will never play by their rules.
And that's a promise.
my regards
Hageland 08.aug.2015
16.aug.2015 - added quote-image in main article
21.sep.2015 - final note
last rev: 21.sep.2015