follow us, like us, join us
… to “wherever” and beyond.
However diversified your interests are at the moment, you will always find someone or something to follow, and somewhere to follow them. Also no lack of invites to follow, like and/or join whoever and whatever, and reasons why you should do so.
Same thing the other way in case you want or need someone to follow, like and/or join you in whatever it is you are
doing or not doing. There will always be someone somewhere who will do just that, on one or more of the growing number of online
social media platforms that exist purely for the purpose of allowing people and businesses to establish such connections.
As mentioned elsewhere: social media platforms are potentially useful, and
whatever else they can be depends entirely on the individual user.
I do for instance find social media interesting subjects to write about, as they represent, contain and mirror all that is good, bad
and ugly in our societies and beyond.
There is simply no end to what can inspire or disgust us on social media these days, and it keeps on growing better and
worse literally by the hour.
personal preferences dictate
The individual poster and commenter leaves loads of information behind on social media platforms, and whether they like it or not all that information can be picked up and used by more than the targeted audience and ad-algorithm owners. We are all used to all that stuff by now, so I guess few worry, or even think, about that side of our social online activity.
always keep in mind…
Lack of awareness may leave users of social media wide open to fraud. Losing money, control of ones own online and/or bank accounts, personal information, important data, etc., is anything but fun, but that may only be the start of the problems a moment of thoughtlessness may lead to. Better to be a little hesitant and careful, and think of everyone as potential fraudsters, and all options and links as unsecure and potential traps, than to find out when things start crashing that one has been taken for a fool and exploited in the worst ways.
Choosing the right software solutions, service providers, and online platforms, is essential for optimal online security. However, no degree of technical security will keep gullible users safe from fraud. The individual user will always be the weakest link in any security chain, and one better become aware of that fact before it is too late.
Good thing then, that we who use social media somewhat regularly and for anything but fraudulent activities, can get what we want out of the various platforms without running much of a risk, simply by utilizing a few more of those gray cells we all are equipped with from birth. If only everything in life were that simple…
in all seriousness…
I am more into taking the pulse of whole groups of social media users and compare what I see in one group to that of other groups,
and have limited interest in what individuals are doing online. Opinions are sorted, weighed, and wrapped up in bundles well
separated from what comes out of fact checking, and reduced to conclusions
that are easily stored for later use.
Only friends and family get my undivided attention on the spot, and in that I do not think I am
much different from most other “interweb” users.
With the bit of insight I can gather from social media, combined with that of other online and offline sources, I feel that my overview of the world is complete enough to add as part of my information bank used as basis for making sane decisions regarding my own role(s) in it all.
Think of it as; what this member of the human race at any given time is deciding to do with his life, will
in some small part depend on how well he interprets what the other eight billion are thinking and doing. And, he may be wrong about
some, or all of it, his entire life.
Quite satisfying to know in many ways, and not so much in others. Life can be quite complex both on and off line, but so what…
have a break…
If you think I am analyzing too much – especially when it comes to totally unimportant matters, I may
add that for a born technocrat like me that simply is a tiny “flaw” that cannot be helped. Does not hurt either,
so I just let it pass as something natural – something in my DNA that I do not need to undergo experimental
gene therapy for.
Besides, this tiny “flaw” keeps me from getting bored to death when allowing myself to be exposed to much of the stuff spread
via social and (even more) through other, more official and narrow-minded, media.
Anyway, I am about to finish all that for now, before focusing mind, soul and body onto something else altogether for a little while. Got some cows to feed, and we all sure could gain from being in contact with intelligent beings more often, and not just soak up and repeat what we are being fed via mass media and/or other “mindless repeaters” of same.
Conclusion: mind who, and not least how and why you follow the “object”, on and off social media platforms. Conscious choices make life so much easier.
Hageland 01.may.2021
last rev: 07.may.2021