costly ignorance
… spreading like wildfire.
From time to time I get hints that I am not quite “politically correct” in my writings. Has never bothered me
much, as there are far more important things in life to line up with.
The search for truth comes to mind, and then anything and everything political ends up near the bottom of the ”being correct” scale, among liars, cheaters, and worse. Few in those professions deserve better
Having jotted down the above, it is time to focus. Life is too short to play ignorant… … and I am not much for pussy-footing around people who do.
I expect those who do not play, to have missed the point by now, even if they are the ones who assure the disasters planned by the
players. Wildfires spread easiest when lit at ground-level, so having full control over the ignorant masses is a premise for the fire
to take hold and run its course.
Not sure how to better present the present scenario, regardless of what political
or other measures it is meant to fit within. Sorry about that … well, not really.
simple, old-style, politics…
It is common tactic to first convince the most ignorant and fearful among us to support a cause, as once a high enough number of the hoi polloi are lined up, the others can be more easily “convinced” that it is best for them to just shut up and follow the leaders of the “majority”.
Ignorant people love to be told that they are right, and tend to hate all who dare say they are not. Thus, once the ignorant are onboard they won't question their leaders no matter what, and they will do all they can to prevent others from complicating their adopted views on any and all matters with questions, opposing views, and facts.
Next step is to keep ignorant people ignorant, and thereby assure their continued support. Education is the perfect tool for that, as people who think they know it all won't start to think for themselves, question their masters, and seek information outside their own circles. Confirmation is all they want, and supplying them with continuous streams of that stuff is easiest when all opposing views are left out, ridiculed and/or outlawed.
I could point to history here, but that is not very popular these days since one risks finding a slew of examples of what I have just written about. History books have to be rewritten first, or deleted (remember we live in the digital age), so as not to disturb the most ignorant among us in their pleasant state of mind. Cannot have any disturbances before the big players' plans have run their courses, too much money and power at stake.
Will only mention that the last wave of erradicating and rewriting historical facts was initiated some 90 years ago, and let those who are not totally ignorant draw their own conclusions about whether it has died down by now, or not.
control of language and all else…
Politicians tend to talk a lot, but say very little of value. This is “by design”, as if they actually said something in all seriousness they might actually have to know, and maybe even stand for, what they were talking about, and might be held personally responsible when it turns bad – the last thing on their minds.
Politically correct language is in fact so full of nothingness that those who never listen to them are at least as well informed as those who hang onto every word that comes out of their mouths. Spitting out perfectly formulated sentences to allow for altered interpretations or retractions after the fact, always making sure they say something that does not matter no matter how bad things turn out. They are confident that all that went wrong is somebody else's fault, and that all else is fake news…
Yes, they get it wrong from time to time, and many of them get it wrong all the time. However, it is just that “we are only humans” factor that plays its ugly tricks on those nice but unfortunate politicians, and they did of course not mean any of what they said the way others heard it, or intended to do what they actually did even if it is all in plain sight for everyone to see. Shit just happens…
No such excuses carry any weight when uttered by those who choose to stay clear of those political circles though, as they are neither politically correct in their language, believers in and followers of the only correct causes, nor do they belong to the right groups led by the right players. Silly those who are stupid enough to think for themselves and actually believe their opinions matter…
seriousness abound…
Mixing humor in with serious stuff, tends to throw off some of those who see themself as being of the more serious kind, for whatever reason. I am feeling a bit sad for those who cannot see, and deal with, the many humoristic sides of serious matters without losing focus … seriously.
I know of no such deficiencies, and draw as much humor into my humble writings as I can, whenever I can. No one should be left in any doubt about my views on whole series of serious matters after having read my articles.
As every article is the result of hours, days and weeks of research, the learning process itself never stops. It is not possible to learn too much about any subject, and as I have also learned that it does not make sense to memorize every detail as long as one knows where to find them when needed, I prefer to write summaries rather than extremely well detailed, and very long, articles.
Others do a good enough job at documenting those pesky details – if we care to look them up, so borrowing their
summaries in one form or another works fine in most cases.
As is the norm on the internet; I am in no way responsible for what others release. Not much consensus to talk about
on any subject, when data are properly checked. I see no reason to complain though, as they quite often line up nicely with what
I myself might have said, or written.
This is one way to add humor to serious matters, and leave to visitors to sort out which is which. Democracy in action if you like, something that otherwise is sorely missing in too many areas.
why write about things?
As I always try to find the truth about matters before making up my mind about them, most of what I write about is checked in depth. Opinions without solid background checks are not worth much, in my opinion, and the entire process is quite rewarding for curious minds.
Not being interested in telling others what to think about anything, only that thinking in itself is the smarter activity when given choices, I limit my writings to mere glimpses of what is on my mind at the moment. If nothing else; these writings help me develop clearer views on subjects, which is reason enough to continue. Besides; it is serious fun!
I am otherwise not totally convinced about much of anything in life, which is another reason for continuing searching, learning, and writing. Should keep me going for a while, on my own premises…
Hageland 04.jul.2021
last rev: 04.jul.2021