climate change on sale
to the lowest bidders.
First, a short recapitulation:
When I first noticed reports in media about potentially dangerous climate changes – must have been back in the mid
1990s IIRC, at first I wondered ”what took them so long“. I thought all modern and
somewhat educated humans must have learned in primary school what kind of pleasant and unpleasant surprises
climate changes had, and could, lead to for the unprepared. History books are full of pretty detailed examples.
Then, as the years passed by, talk about what we humans allegedly were doing to Earth's climate, became more pronounced. However, as the
talk became louder and more widespread, what was being said made less and less sense.
It was as if all established facts and observations about climate changes was totally irrelevant, and
that what we have to deal with now is a totally new form for climate change that the world had never seen before.
As nothing could be further from the truth in my book, I naturally started to question this new “religion” that was
being spread as gospel through media and all other channels the promoters of the idea could find. Those who had no opinion on
he subject got handed a ready-made one with hardly any base in reality, that they of course was expected to accept as their own and
spread further, without asking questions or showing signs of doubt in “the almighty science”.
I pretty soon noticed that those who spoke the loudest, also had the weakest knowledge base, and that they most
certainly did not check their “science” before speaking up. No point in asking any of them about anything related to
climate change, as they just got angry, spoke even louder, and declared that anyone who did not bow in awe to their superior lines of
beliefs in man-made climate change, was ignorant fools.
Impressive and “irresistible” logic indeed.
The louder they got, the more they reminded me of trapped piglets; squealing at the top of their lungs and, if at all possible, making even
less sense than before. (Squealing is the only defense the little piglets have.)
Thus, not wanting to go deaf while receiving no sensible, let alone believable, information, I naturally turned
to science for answers. And, as a consequence of my findings, I no longer pay more attention than I have to
to those who praise and follow the “we must save the world from climate change” religion. They do
not represent anything I want to be associated with.
Better to be member of a minority of a few, or of one if so happens, and keep ones curiosity and sanity intact, rather than
to be counted as member of a majority where one risks losing all of the before mentioned. The size of a group is not a measure
of its legitimacy.
For all I care they may continue to sell whatever their gospel is to anyone who cares to
listen to them, while I continue to base my lines of thought and action on logic, science and available facts.
Good thing that Earth's climate does not react to human opinions and decisions. Bad enough that so many insist on trying to make climate bend to their misguided will, with no regard for life on Earth or for the Earth itself.
about making choices
Those who choose to buy the “man-made crisis” chapters of the climate change rethorics, do not have to put much on the table. They only have to empty their minds of logical thinking, never look for facts or believe their own eyes, and be prepared to shout out nonsense along with their likeminded whenever they are being told to. Nothing can be easier, which is why I regard them to be amongst “the lowest bidders”.
Well, they are right of course, as all global climate change related crises are 100% man-made. They can be found on computers
(garbage in = garbage out), and in the minds and actions of kleptocratic politicians and business people
everywhere, and nowhere else. No irregularities registered in the Earth's actual climate changes as
of the year 2022, and no signs of any in the future.
Tip: Those who think they can prove otherwise, are adviced to read the actual IPCC reports on climate change projections (the parts that are written by scientists that
are true to their professions). They won't find anything pointing to climate change irregularities
and/or actual man-made climate crises there either, just positive signs.
To the degree that man can affect climate, it is mainly a question of relative local and isolated effects – within
natural boundaries. Tall structures have a permanent effect on air-movements in an area, and some “windy cities”
have been erected in the last century. Many heat-islands* have also been created, where concrete
and asfalt covers large areas and trap heat from the sun.
Regardless of how large or small the affected areas are, they are local and the effects drop to nothing at
a distance. As such they are no more special than the form for micro-climates one can create in shielded parts of gardens.
Larger areas are made permanently uninhabitable, as a result of extraction and processing of
“rare earth” minerals mainly used to electrify everything in our lives.* * No doubt local climates in those areas have also been affected, and seriously worsened, by man.
And every day we are presented with the need for more of the same minerals and related destruction
and pollution, as part of the plans for an oh so “green” future.*
Remember to thank the many “man-made climate crisis” presenters and promoters in media and elsewhere, for the damage that is done. Do not be too hard on them though, as most do not (or choose not to) know any better, and just do what they are being told. Not the first time we have heard that kind of reasoning and excuses, and it won't be the last either.
For propaganda mills to work, people have to be willing, and able, to come up with, and spread, more and more ideas that are in line
with the mill-owners' and their masters' will.* *
None of those involved in the propaganda productions has to believe any of it, as it is all about making the general
public believe enough to follow their masters' lead, and pay taxes.
Tip: sure way to observe when politicians, and their masters, are
… their carcasses are not entirely cold yet.
What a wonderful world…
protect our environment…
Pollution, in all its forms, is a real problem. Airborne particles tend to cause problems for all living beings in the area
near the source, and often far beyond. Global winds can, and do, carry light particles (yes) globally.
Radioactive dust has for instance been spread far and wide (remember the Chernobyl disaster?), and the same with other (maybe less
dangerous but one can never be sure) dust and smoke particles. Not uncommon to find sand from Sahara on/in the glaciers on
Greenland, and one can never know what will follow the same airstreams.
All water and soil pollution is equally bad, as there are no sure ways to block the breakdown and spread of poisenous
items, particles and fluids via rivers and ocean to all parts of the world – it just takes time.*
Dry soil and wind add to spread of particles into much wider areas, as do evaporation and rain.
Reality is that we can not pollute anywhere on Earth and expect it to stay there. With time it
will spread beyond all borders and barriers, and contaminate other areas.
Large expanses of wild nature and woodland are being “prepared” to make space for things like factories, shopping centers,
and not to forget: subsidised wind turbines. A bad deal caused by lack of knowledge and weak planning
processes in too many cases, as once nature (with all living beings) is destroyed in an area, there is no way to restore
it to its former, natural, glory, unless we have time to wait for another ice-age to pass.
A somewhat complete list of ways we humans can, and are, polluting* the wider nature we and all other living beings rely on, in addition to what we do to our local environments
(our living-spaces), will be much too large to include here.
There are also quite some differences around the world in what, and at what amounts, something, like the various minerals,
turn into soil pollutants rather than having nutritional values, as fertilizers. Local knowledge is
essential, and much of that is ignored today, as politics and greed on a global scale have taken over where common sense used to
rule the land – a loss to all mankind.
NOTE: One factor we do not have to protect nature from anywhere, is CO2. Nature can in fact do with
quite a lot more of this life-giving gas in the air, resulting in a genuine green renaissance and a lot more food to harvest
for man and beast.* * *
That money and energy is spent on removing CO2 from Earth's atmosphere, is what really makes the
entire climate change gospel idiocy utterly meaningless.
Having an atmospheric CO2 level around 1200ppm (about 3 times higher than what we have now) would be near ideal.* Would cause increased plant-growth with less need for water and
fertilizer, and counter much of the loss in periods of severe drought, regardless of whether they are caused by climate changes
or “just” fluke weather.*
Statistically, what we call “climate” and “weather” basically differ in
over how long periods all factors are observed and documented. Climate: 30 year averages and tendencies.
Weather: at the moment, and short periods of days and weeks.
So, while climate potentially may change radically in days and weeks – maybe as a result of a volcano
eruption*, and the effects may last for years, or even decades, the climate as such has only
changed by the average values of all factors over the last 30 years up to any given time.
The relationship between global temperature and CO2, is complex enough in itself (and is too often
presented with causes and effects out of order). Add in all the other factors on/in and outside Earth that may or
may not play significant roles for Earth's overall climate, and you will see why it does not make sense to draw absolute
conclusions, and act on these, at this moment in time.* * ** *
My “preliminary conclusion” is therefore…
Protect nature and humanity everywhere from kleptocratic, parasitic and insane
humans, and leave Earth's climate to change with the universe and its own forces, as it always has.
semi-religious argumentation…
The following quote says all about the present state of climate change, and the nonsense that gets debated and spread about it.
It's extraordinary that anyone should think there is a climate
crisis. Year after year our annual assessment of climate trends documents just how little has been changing in the last 30 years.
The habitual climate alarmism is mainly driven by scientists' computer modelling rather than observational
NOTE: The source for that quote is really good for those who have not fallen completely for the climate
alarmists' religious noise.
— GWPF director Benny Peiser, Ph.D.
source: 'State Of
The Planet' Is Good…
They say we must believe in science‥? What science‥?
The “green” movement is 5% science and 95% politics…
I am not even sure if 5% science is realistic. The real number appears to be much lower. Pseudo science doesn't count, and I for one do
not believe in politics when it comes to climate – or much else for that matter.
After decades of being fed mainly politically redacted documentation related to global climate
changes, I have most of it filed under “much ado about nothing”.
The climate alarmists are still too loud for comfort, and their words and activities still make next to no sense.
However, as I do not have to listen or follow their lead, I can continue to apply common sense in all I personally
choose to get involved in.
If it had not been for all the damage that is being done by the kleptocrats that are in it only to exploit people's fear and lack of basic understanding about their environment, to make money and secure their positions of power, the entire climate change scare could have been written off as just another of those stupid political scams that eventually will end in failure and result in a few lines in history books to give future generations a laugh.
As it is; those future generations will also have to pay for, and righten as much as they possibly can of all the stupid things that are being done in the name of climate change today, long after those who drove the ridiculous scare itself have been laid to rest and forgotten about. Not fair, but not my fault.
I allow myself to focus entirely on environmental and sustainability issues on the matter of life on Earth, and leave the climate to take care of itself while we continue to prepare our communities to handle all its variations. That is the only policy that makes sense to me, and I am not prepared to surrender my right to let independent and logical thinking lead my actions while I am still above ground.
What happens after I'm gone is (of course) none of my business, and I won't even bother to write down my wishes for that part
of the future here on Earth. It is all up to the younger generations alive, and I will only wish them well.
Hageland 12.may.2022
last rev: 21.may.2022